Operations are independently audited to assure compliance with the regulations.
Native forest harvesting and roading operational plans for coastal NSW are available via our Plan Portal.
Operations are independently audited to assure compliance with the regulations.
Operations are distributed over time and space to reduce cumulative impacts.
We welcome feedback and engage with a wide range of stakeholders about our operations.
The entry point to the portal shows a map of compartments scheduled for harvesting to commence within the next 12 month period. The map is colour coded by plan status. Plans may be marked as scheduled, in planning, approved, commenced or suspended. Once plans are completed they drop off the map. The map is visible without a login into the system.
The Plan Portal contains an up-to-date Operations Register and Annual Plan of Operations register for the Coastal Integrated Forestry Operations Approval (CIFOA). These can be accessed from the reports page, but you must create a user name and log in to the system first. Further information on creating a username and login is included below.
When you click on the reports page, page one is a simple plan summary, page two is the Operations Register, which contains the details required in Protocol 1 of the CIFOA and page three is the Annual Plan of Forestry Operations, which contains the details required in Protocol 2 of the CIFOA.
The Plan Portal also provides access to operational plans, maps and other documents for each approved operational area under the CIFOA. These can be accessed by clicking on the operational area on the map, clicking the plan link on any of the reports or using the plan search tool. Once you have clicked on a plan, you will see basic information and its location on a map. The the Files tab to view or download the harvest plan or other documents.
You can subscribe to a plan to receive an email notification each time the plan status changes, for example when the plan becomes active, and when new documents are uploaded. You can unsubscribe from a plan at anytime.
To view a harvest plan or operations register, you will need to register with a user name (this can be anything you choose, it does not have to be your name) and a valid email address. You will be sent a confirmation email to confirm the email address and be asked to change your password.
Once you are logged in, you can click on the operation that interests you to view the associated harvest plan and other documents. You can also register your interest in a particular operation so that you can be notified when information about the operation is updated.
The user name and email address you supply when you sign up to the Plan Portal will be visible to Forestry Corporation staff for any plan you subscribe to, but cannot be seen by other users of the system. View our privacy policy for information about how Forestry Corporation maintains the privacy of your information.
Based on feedback from the community, we have made some changes to the map view in Plan Portal to improve the information available for anyone using this system to find out about our upcoming operations.
The map you see when you open the Plan Portal now shows you current operations, those likely to start within the next six months, those likely to start within six to 18 months, completed operations, and those which have been temporarily suspended. his updated map provides clearer information for stakeholders on the proposed timing of operations.
On this map you can also see the area of public forest permanently managed for conservation, while hovering over the compartment will display a pop-up box showing you key details on the plan type and name, as well as the area permanently managed for conservation within each operational area.
Whilst we make every effort to follow our planned operational schedule, occasionally weather, fire or other conditions may necessitate a rapid change to this plan. We will always update our maps and schedules ahead of these changes being made.
If you want more information you can still click on any plan for more details and to view the planning documents.
No changes have been made to the operational or compliance registers.
Harvest plan archive:
Operations are carefully planned to ensure they are distributed over time and space to reduce cumulative impacts. Find out more.
Forestry Corporation welcomes stakeholder input to inform our detailed operational planning. In particular, we are keen to:
Send us an email to make contact with a forester and discuss an individual harvest plan in more detail, or if you have trouble viewing the content within the Plan Portal.
Forestry Corporation carefully plans sustainable timber harvesting and roading operations in State forests and other Crown-timber lands in line with a number of policies, codes and regulatory requirements. Each operation is carried out in line with a detailed harvest plan, which is informed by a rigorous planning process that involves environmental surveys as well as discussions with other forest users and neighbours. The harvest plans provide crews with clear instructions that ensure each operation meets the strict environmental guidelines and any other considerations identified during the planning process.
The plans are comprised of maps, site specific information and instruction on issues like:
Plans are prepared for specific compartments in State forests. Plans are valid for up to 10 years and work is scheduled depending on a number of factors including market conditions and weather.