Chemical use
Forestry Corporation is committed to using chemicals only where appropriate, and with care for the maintenance and protection of water quality, biodiversity, soil values and neighbouring land uses.
Pesticide use notification plan
Public authorities, including Forestry Corporation of NSW, are required to notify the community when they use or allow the use of pesticides in public places.
As required by the Pesticides Regulation 2009, Forestry Corporation of NSW has a Pesticide Use Notification Plan that sets out how, when and where it will notify the general public of any recent or intended pesticide applications to prescribed public places under its control.
Pollution incident response notification
The Protection of the Environment Legislation Amendment Act 2011 requires all environmental incidents causing or threatening material harm to the environment to be immediately reported to the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and other relevant authorities.
In the event of a pollution incident that causes or threatens to cause material environmental harm Forestry Corporation will:
1. Call 000 if the incident presents an immediate threat to human health or property. Fire and Rescue NSW, the NSW Police and the NSW Ambulance Service are the first responders, responsible for controlling and containing incidents.
2. If the incident does not require an initial combat agency, or once the 000 call has been made, notify the relevant authorities in the following order:
- EPA – Environment Line 131 555
- SafeWork NSW 131 050
- Public Health Unit NSW 1300 066 055
- Local Councils (environment section)
- Fire and Rescue NSW 000 (if not contacted already)
3. In determining the extent of community notification, Forestry Corporation will consider aspects such as the type of pollutant and its mobility, prevailing winds, proximity to any drainage features, particular major water storage areas or creeks and possible impacts on sensitive receptors.
N.B. The NSW Emergency Services are responsible for communicating with the community in the event of an emergency with immediate threat to human health or property.
Information on a pollution incident shall be communicated to the community as soon as practical via door knocks, phone calls or letter box drops for nearby premises, and via local radio, media release or information on this website for the wider community.