NSW State forests
Forestry Corporation of NSW manages 2,186,893 hectares of land, which is primarily State forests with small areas of freehold and private land managed through joint investment partnerships.
This is the Defined Forest Area that is certified under the Responsible Wood Certification System. This land includes native forests and timber plantations and represents about 10 per cent of the forested land in NSW.
More than 98 per cent of timber supplied by Forestry Corporation of NSW is certified to the Australian Standard for Sustainable Forest Management.
Defined Forest Area
The Defined Forest Area map identifies the forests certified to the Australian Standard for Sustainable Forest Management. Areas we manage are assigned to a forest management zone category based on the management priority for that land.
Detailed information on the Defined Forest Area managed by each operational division, by forest management zone, by forest and more is available below. If you have trouble viewing the report below, try clearing your browsing cache.