Regulations and agreements
Forestry Corporation operates under the Forestry Act 2012 and related regulations. A range of agreements, statutory licences and codes of practice set conditions that ensure soil and water, fauna and flora, fish habitat, cultural heritage and other values are protected during operations.
We are regularly audited by external regulatory agencies and we complete our own internal audits to ensure compliance with these licences and codes. Forestry Corporation not only meets but actually exceeds regulatory requirements. This is evidenced through our accreditation to the Responsible Wood Standard.
Regional Forest Agreements
Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs) are 20-year plans for the conservation and sustainable management of Australia's native forests. They are one of the principal means of implementing the National Forest Policy Statement of 1992, and seek a balance between conserving Australia's forest estate and its enduring use for economic production and recreation.
NSW Forest Agreements
The NSW Forest Agreements largely duplicated the Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs) between the NSW Government and the Commonwealth. The Forestry Legislation Amendment Act 2018 has removed the requirement to maintain duplicative policies and reporting and review processes.
The NSW Government decided not to renew the NSW Forest Agreements for the upper north east, lower north east and Eden regions. These Agreements lapsed on 4 March 2019. Any outstanding issues continued in these instruments were rolled into other mechanisms. The NSW Forest Agreement for southern region remains in place.
Integrated Forestry Operations Approvals
In parts of NSW where Regional Forest Agreements are in place, timber harvesting operations are regulated by the terms of an Integrated Forestry Operations Approval (IFOA). An IFOA establishes strong, clear and consistent environmental regulation of native forest operations.
Plantations are regulated by the Plantation and Reafforestation Act 1999 and the Plantation and Reafforestation (Code) Regulation 2001. The Act aims to promote plantation establishment and contains standards for the establishment, management and harvesting of the trees. This applies to private and government-owned plantations.
The Forest Practices Code Part 1 - Timber Harvesting in Forestry Corporation Plantations (2005) [PDF] regulates harvesting operations throughout Forestry Corporation softwood and hardwood plantations in NSW. The provisions of the code are binding on all parties involved in the organisation, management and practice of obtaining timber products from Forestry Corporation plantations. The code is about:
- protecting the forest environment
- protecting the value of the crop
- maintaining a safe workplace
- ensuring proper accounting procedures for timber
- communicating these rules to all stakeholders.