The planning process
Our interactive map explains each step of the harvest planning process.
Native forest harvesting and roading operational plans for coastal NSW are available via our Plan Portal.
Our interactive map explains each step of the harvest planning process.
How operations are distributed over time and space to reduce cumulative impacts.
View detailed maps for current operations in coastal native forests.
Harvest plans contain instructions and maps that set out how operations will be conducted. We spend many months developing harvest plans that comply with environmental rules. We welcome stakeholder input to inform operational planning and consider feedback from neighbours and forest users when developing plans. Our interactive map explains the harvest planning process in more detail.
Harvest plans for coastal native forest and hardwood plantation operations are available on our Plan Portal.
When you visit the Plan Portal, you will see a map showing operations planned under the Coastal Integrated Forestry Operations Approval (CIFOA). A map showing hardwood plantation operations is also available. These maps indicate:
If you hover your mouse over a coloured area, a pop-up box shows summary information.
Note that we make our best efforts to provide accurate forecasts about operational dates, but scheduling of operations is highly dependent on weather, markets and other logistical factors.
If you would like more detail, you have the option to log in. Your username can be anything you choose, it does not have to be your name and a valid email address. First-time users can enter a username and valid email address to be sent a confirmation email enabling you to login.
Once you are logged in, you can click on the operation that interests you and use the files tab to view or download the harvest plan or other documents.
You can also subscribe to a plan to receive an email notification each time the plan status changes, for example when the plan becomes active, and when new documents are uploaded. You can unsubscribe from a plan at any time.
Even after operational plans are approved, many more ecological surveys are conducted through the operational area. Visit our CIFOA operations map to view updated information on operations as they progress.
To view the CIFOA Operations Register and Annual Plan of Operations register, click on the reports page.
Page one is a simple plan summary, page two is the Operations Register, which contains the details required in Protocol 1 of the CIFOA and page three is the Annual Plan of Forestry Operations, which contains the details required in Protocol 2 of the CIFOA.
The user name and email address you supply when you sign up to the Plan Portal will be visible to Forestry Corporation staff for any plan you subscribe to, but cannot be seen by other users of the system. View our privacy policy for information about how Forestry Corporation maintains the privacy of your information.