Authorised hunting

About hunting on State forests

Authorised recreational hunting is permitted in some State forests. Authorised hunting in State forests is regulated by the NSW Department of Primary Industries.

Forest closures override all permits for hunting. Hunting is not permitted in closed forests even with a permit. Check closures here.

A risk assessment has been completed and is regularly reviewed to ensure hunting is managed safely. You can download the risk assessment here.

For information on hunting regulations and licences and information on the forests declared for hunting, visit the Department of Primary Industries website.

Hunting exclusion zone maps

Hunting is not permitted in some areas of State forests, such as near picnic and camping areas or where forestry operations are taking place. The maps below show the exclusion zones where hunting is not permitted. Maps are only published for forests that are declared and open for hunting.

These maps are updated quarterly, however these areas are subject to change from time to time in line with operations. Hunters are required to get written permission every time they wish to hunt and are required to download the most up-to-date version of the maps from the DPI Game Licencing Unit to a GPS-enabled device before they are permitted to hunt.

View the hunting exclusion maps here

Note: the hunting exclusion zone maps are provided via an online map service. Once you have clicked the link above, use the content and legend buttons to display the map and associated legends.


Find out more about safe hunting on public lands (external link NSW DPI)

Page last updated/reviewed:10 Nov 2023